Moissanite Vs Diamond

Diamonds may be the most popular gemstone for engagement rings, but you have other options. If you’ve been considering moissanite vs diamond, you're not alone. Many people are opting for moissanite because of its cost, strength, and brilliance.

We don’t blame you if you love diamonds. But take a moment to consider how comparable the stones are. You may decide moissanite is the best gemstone for you after all. Here are 4 factors to consider when comparing a moissanite vs diamond. 


 ●     Diamond

 Diamonds are the most durable minerals known to mankind. They’re well-known for their hardness, which makes them great stones for everyday wear. On the Moh Scale of Hardness, diamonds fall at a perfect 10.

 ●     Moissanite

 Don’t discount moissanites just yet. Although diamonds are the hardest stones, moissanite falls close behind. Moissanites rank 9.25-9.5 on the Moh hardness scale, which makes them the second most durable stone. Since the stone won’t scratch easily, it’s a great engagement ring option. The slight difference in hardness in a moissanite vs diamond wouldn’t be noticeable in everyday wear.


 ●     Diamond

 One of the ways people grade a diamond’s value is by its colour. While diamonds and moissanites are white stones, they’ll cast a slightly yellow, grey, or brown hue. Gemologists rate diamond colour on a D-Z scale, D being colourless and Z a light yellow or brown diamond.

 ●     Moissanite

 Moissanites are solely graded based on colour. While they are colourless, they can have a yellow or greyish hue. However, scientists are getting better at creating colourless stones. High-quality colourless moissanites are getting more common and easier to get. Astrum gems Moissanites are rated DEF or higher.


 ●     Diamond

Diamonds can range widely in price depending on their cut, colour, size, shape, and clarity. Since they are the most popular and desirable stone for an engagement ring and other fine jewellery, their price reflects that. Even lower-quality diamonds tend to cost more than a high-quality moissanite gemstone.

●     Moissanite

If you’re looking for a beautiful stone at a reasonable price, moissanite may be right for you. It closely resembles a diamond, and you would pay considerably less. A moissanite gemstone costs about one-tenth the cost of a similar diamond that’s equal in size, quality and colour.


●     Diamond

Diamonds are well-known for their sparkle. The best quality diamonds reflect a lot of light through the interior of the stone. They do this by reflecting white light, refracting prisms, and reflecting their sparkle on the surface. These three types of reflections give diamonds their famous scintillating brilliance.

●     Moissanite

While moissanites seem comparable to diamonds, their faceting pattern is different and even brighter than diamonds. They refract much more light, which gives them higher brilliance. It’s more noticeable in bigger stones and in the sunlight, where some say it has a “disco-ball” effect. Since it has twice the dispersion value of a diamond, it can seem like it reflects more rainbow colours.

Diamonds and moissanites are both popular choices for engagement rings. But if you want a cost-effective stone that’s brighter, more sparkly and always ethical, check out our moissanite engagement rings and jewellery.